Yoga Therapy for Hernia

Hernia refers to a protrusion of body tissue through the wall of a cavity in which it is normally contained.

About 10% of the population will have an abdominal hernia in their lifetime. It occurs in infants, children, and adults, in both males and females. The majority of abdominal hernia cases occur, however, in males.

Understandably, hernia poses an inconvenience. It can be uncomfortable, unsightly, painful, and even the cause of life-threatening complications. But do not let hernia restrict you or keep you from the activities you enjoy. Consult a doctor to diagnose the type of hernia you are suffering from, and what preventive measures you can take. Hernia usually requires surgery, and even after surgery, one has to take extra measures to prevent the problem from rising again.

In yoga, there are precautionary and preventive methods to help avoid or overcome hernia. Learning more about hernia is a good start in going about the problem.

Yoga Therapy

Proper practice of asanas and Pranayama can help prevent and treat hernia. Not all asanas and Pranayamas are suitable for those suffering from hernia, however; one needs guidance from an experienced teacher. Postures that stimulatem abdominal pressure, strengthen the core, and require heavy lifting or vigorous breathing, for instance, should be avoided.

Yoga can help drive away symptoms and at times completely cure some forms of hernia like inguinal hernia. Inverted postures are the best treatments for hernia. Inversions use gravity to relieve the pressure from the abdominal wall and place the hernia back in the position of the abdomen. Regular practice of pranayama and complete relaxation will not only help tackle the hernia but improve the life style.

It is also important to change the life habits. For instance, take proper precautions and adopt appropriate techniques while lifting heavy weights. Maintain normal body weight to avoid obesity. Avoid constipation by eating plenty of fibres, such as vegetables, drinking plenty fluid, going to the bathroom as soon as you have the urge, and exercising regularly.

If, however, the symptoms of hernia continue to persist or if the hernia is severe, surgery may be the ultimate and only option. Seek professional advice if necessary.